Browsing by Subject "Randomised Trial"

Browsing by Subject "Randomised Trial"

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  • Veenemans, J.; Milligan, P.; Prentice, A.M.; Schouten, L.R.A.; Inja, N.; Heijden, A.C.; Boer, L.C.C.; Jansen, E.J.S.; Koopmans, A.E.; Enthoven, W.T.M.; Kraaijenhagen, R.J.; Demir, A.Y.; Uges, D.R.A.; Mbugi, E.V.; Savelkoul, H.F.J.; Verhoef, H. (PLoS Medicine, 2011)
    Background: It is uncertain to what extent oral supplementation with zinc can reduce episodes of malaria in endemic areas. Protection may depend on other nutrients. We measured the effect of supplementation with zinc and ...



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