Browsing by Subject "validation"

Browsing by Subject "validation"

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  • Murray, C.J.L.; Lopez, A.D.; Black, R.; Ahuja, R.; Ali, S.M.; Baqui, A.; Dandona, L.; Dantzer, E.; Das, V.; Dhingra, U.; Dutta, A.; Fawzi, W.; Flaxman, A.D.; Gómez, S.; Hernández, B.; Joshi, R.; Kalter, H.; Kumar, A.; Kumar, V.; Lozano, R.; Lucero, M.; Mehta, S.; Neal, B.; Ohno, S.L.; Prasad, R.; Praveen, D.; Premji, Z.; Ramírez-Villalobos10, D.; Remolador, H.; Riley, I.; Romero, M.; Said, M.; Sanvictores, D.; Sazawal, S.; Tallo, V. (BioMed Central, 2011)
    Background: Verbal autopsy methods are critically important for evaluating the leading causes of death in populations without adequate vital registration systems. With a myriad of analytical and data collection approaches, it ...



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