dc.description.abstract |
CKD and eventually ESRD are becoming markedly increased across the world, The
cost for RRT is becoming so prohibitive more so in developing countries like
Tanzania, HRQoL is increasingly being used to assess chronic clinical conditions,
CKD being one of them, HRQoL in nephrology involves determining efficiency and
effectiveness of different forms of R..~T; evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness
of different types of other treatments applied to patients e.g. immunosuppressives,
and follow-up of the evolution of individual patients,
Objectives; To determine the quality of life in ESRD patients after successful renal
transplantation in Tanzania,
Study site and design; Cross- sectional study involving all renal transplanted
patients in Tanzania,
transplanted patients, Information recorded includes demographic data, clinical
characteristics and HRQoL using the SF-36 tool.
Results; The study sample included 44 renal transplanted patients of whom most
were males 31(81.8%), married 37(84.1%), college educated 31(70.5%) and
overweight 29(65.9%). Their age ranged from 22 to 66 years with a mean of 45.9
years ± 10.51.
Diseases leading to ESRD included Hypertension 25(58.8%), Glomerulonephritis
7(15.9:>0), both diabetes and hypertension 6(13.6%), Polycystic disease 3(6.8%),
diabetes alone 2(4.5%).
Most transplants were sponsored by government 28(63.6%). Others included
Employer or insurance 11 (25.0%) and self or family 5(11.4%).
Most renal transplanted patients were on cyclosporine based immunosupression
20(45.5%). 11(25.0%) were on Tacrolimus, 7(15.9%) on Sirolimus and 4(9.1%)
Azathioprine based immunosuppression.
Generally the HRQoL ESRD patients in Tanzania improved after transplantation. All
8 domains except 1 had total score above 50%. Physical Functioning =75%, Bodily
Pain = 88.6%, General Health =73%, Vitality = 86.4%, Social Functioning =84.1 %,
Role Emotional = 52.3%, Mental Health = 95.5% and Role- Physical = 45%.
Some characteristics had statistical significant correlation to HRQoL like Age (p<
0.043), Marital status (p< 0.036), Education (p< 0.002), Employment (p < 0.008),
serum Creatinine (p< 0.032), BUN (p <0.021), Immunosuppressives (p <0.028),
DBP (p< 0.000), Haemoglobin (p< 0.038), Living donation ( p< 0.05) and Smoking
(p< 0.038).
Random Blood Sugar (p<0.06), BMI (P<0.53), HLA (0.53), Time since
Transplantation were not statistically significantly associated to HRQoL. Likewise
serum lipids (p< 0.356), serum protein (0.734) and serum albumin (p<0.141) were
(p< 0.51), donor relation (p< 0.66) and sex (p<0.30) were also not statistically
related to HRQoL.
Conclusion; ESRD patients HRQol improves after renal transplantation. However
transplantation is thus expensive and emphasis should be put on CKD prevention. |
en_GB |