Prevalence and practises associated with human taenia solium infection in Mbozi district Mbeya region

Show simple item record Mwanjali, Grolia. 2013-07-29T07:50:14Z 2013-07-29T07:50:14Z 2010
dc.description.abstract Background: Human cysticercosis/taeniosis is potentially among the zoonotic infections involving humans and swine. In Tanzania, studies on porcine cysticercosis show the disease to be hyperendemic in Northern (17.4%) and Southern (16%) parts of the country. In the Southern part of Tanzania, Mbozi district was leading with a prevalence of 32%. Objective: To determine the prevalence of, and identify practices associated with, human Taenia solium infections in Mbozi district, Mbeya region, Tanzania. Materials and methods: A community-based descriptive cross-sectional study using cluster random sampling was conducted from April to July 2009 in Mbozi district, Mbeya region. A total of 830 participants between the ages of 15 to 60 years were enrolled in the study. Participants below 15 and above 60 years; people with mental illness; and people who were not willing to participate were excluded from the study. Accordingly, 830 sera were collected and analyzed using Ag-ELISA (B 158/B60)and Ab-ELISA (rT24h) and 820 stool samples were analyzed for Taenia species taeniosis using Copro-AgELISA while confirmation of T solium taeniosis was done using Western blot (r£S38). Furthermore, Formal-ether Concentration (FEC) technique was used for examining the presence of Taenia species eggs and other intestinal parasites. Information on demographic and potential risk factors was obtained using structured questionnaire. Results: Seroprevalence of human cysticercosis was 16.7% by Ag-ELISA (active cysticercosis) and 45.3% by Ab-ELlS A (exposure to human cysticercosis). Multivariate analysis on the risk factors associated with human cysticercosis using logistic regression statistical analysis showed seroprevalence of active cysticercosis to VIII be significantly associated with increase in age, age group 36-45 years (OR= 2.5; 95% Cl =1.2-5.0) and age group between 46-60 years (OR =2.6; 95% Cl = 1.3-5.3); hand washing practices by dipping (OR= 3.8; 95% Cl=2.5-5.9), and being confirmed carrier of Taenia species by Copro-AgELISA (OR= 2.6; 95% Cl = 1.3-5.2). Furthermore, among participants with active cysticercosis 30 (54.5%) confirmed to have cystic lesion suggestive ofneurocysticercosis on CT-scan. On other hand exposure to human cysticercosis showed to be significantly associated with sex (Male) (OR=1.6; 95% Cl=1.1-2.1), hand washing by dipping method (OR=5.10; 95% Cl=3.7- 6.9), being confirmed carrier of Taenia species by Copro- AgELISA (OR= 2.6; 95% Cl=1.3-5.2), and using unsafe water (OR=1.9; 95% Cl= 1.4- 2.6) Copro-pasitological analysis of stool showed the prevalence of Taenia species taeniosis to be 5.2% (by Copro-AgELISA) and T. solium taeniosis 4.1 % by western blot (rES38). While it showed a prevalence of 1.1 % by formal-ether concentration technique. On adjusting for other factors in the logistic regression model, only previous history of passing proglottides was found to be statistically significant (OR = 2.8; 95% Cl = 1.4 - 5.8). Conclusions and recommendations: Findings of the present study show that Taenia solium infection (cysticercosis and taeniosis) is hyperendemic in Mbozi district, Mbeya region. Therefore, multidisciplinary control effort should be carried out in that district in order to prevent the spread of the parasite. en_GB
dc.language.iso en en_GB
dc.publisher Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
dc.subject Taenia solium en_GB
dc.subject Tanzania en_GB
dc.title Prevalence and practises associated with human taenia solium infection in Mbozi district Mbeya region en_GB
dc.type Thesis en_GB

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