Occupational injuries, respiratory health problems and related factors among refuse handlers at Tanga city

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dc.contributor.author Markalio, Godson
dc.date.accessioned 2013-07-31T13:18:02Z
dc.date.available 2013-07-31T13:18:02Z
dc.date.issued 2008
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1105
dc.description.abstract In Tanzania, the health-related underpinnings of solid waste management still need to be addressed. Even the minimal regulatory framework which exists in this country for environmental protection and occupational health and safety is not fully enforced. Waste collection is by labor intensive systems with little, if any, worker protection from direct contact to injuries, respiratory problems and related factors. This study had the aims of exploring occurrence of injuries, respiratory problems and other related factors among refuse collectors and none refuse collectors. The cross-sectional study was carried out where l35 refuse handlers and 113 other workers were involved. Questionnaire was used to collect data on injuries; respiratory problems and use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 15.0 computer program. Generally, prevalence of injuries and respiratory problems were higher among refuse collectors than in other workers. The proportion of exposure that has faced injuries was 47.4% while for other workers was 25.5%, the difference was statistically significance between the groups (P=O.OOOI). The group from refuse handlers had higher prevalence of acute respiratory problems such as dry cough (OR) =5.95, 95%, (CI=3.25, 10.88), flue OR=4.90, 95%, (CI=2.77, 8.67) and nasal irritation OR = 4.64, 95%, (CI=1.58, 8.28) while controlling for age and smoking status. With regard to chronic respiratory symptoms for refuse handlers and other workers there were not significantly different. On the use of PPE most respondents know that PPE are important but they don't use because they are not provided which means not available. Regarding hazard prevention measures there were provided for only 20% of facilities studied. From the study findings it is concluded that refuse handlers are highly affected by injuries and acute respiratory symptoms compared to other workers. Moreover there was less use of personal protective equipment among them. In addition the facilities do not provide adequate safety measures. This implies need to enforce laws and regulations to safeguard the health of workers that will involve the right to be training and of being examine periodically on their health problems. en_GB
dc.language.iso en en_GB
dc.publisher Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
dc.subject Occupational injuries en_GB
dc.subject Handlers en_GB
dc.subject Respiratory health
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.title Occupational injuries, respiratory health problems and related factors among refuse handlers at Tanga city en_GB
dc.type Thesis en_GB

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