Background; Scanty information is available on factors associated with increase in the
prevalence of Asthma. Little is known about knowledge, attitude and practices of
asthma and its determinants in the general population.
A descriptive cross sectional study was done in Ilala district in Dar es Salaam region
and Bagamoyo district in Pwani region. To determine prevalence, knowledge, attitude
and practl~'ces towards asthma among secondary school pupils.
Study procedure; A questionnaire was administered to all consenting pupils.
Information recorded included self reported asthma, wheeze in the last twelve months,
socio-demographic characteristics, weight height and peak expiratory flow
measurements before and after exercise.
Results; Prevalence of wheeze in the last 12 months was 11.5% in Bagamoyo and
22.7% in Ilala (p<0.O0l). Prevalence of self reported asthma was 17.6% llala and 6.4%
Bagamoyo (p<O.OO I ). There was a positive linear correlation between Peak Expiratory
Flow Rate (PEFR) and height in both districts(R-0.5) in Bagamoyo, (R-0.7) in Ilala.
The mean PEFR of male pupils was 478.05(77.99) in Ilala and 484.04(79.18) in
Bagamoyo (p<0.33). That of female pupils was 400(57.00) in Ilala and 393.92(62.02)
in Bagamoyo (p<O.28). Prevalence of exercise-induced asthma at percentage reduction
in PEFR of 20% was 12/516(2~4%) of pupils in Bagamoyo, and 28/439(6.3%) of pupils
in Ilala (P<0.002) and at 12% reduction in PEFR was 36/439(8.1%) among pupils in
Ilala and 40/516(7.7o\o) among pupils in Bagamoyo. (P< 0.798) A reduction by 15% in
PEFR was observed in 7.2% of pupils in Ilala and 4.3% of pupils in Bagamoyo
(P.04). Knowledge of asthma symptoms was higher among pupils in Ilala than
Bagamoyo. Cough, wheeze and chest tightness were the main reported symptoms of
asthma in both districts~ Pupils in Bagamoyo had unfavorable attitudes towards asthma
practices than pupils in Ilala (p<0.009).
Conclusion; Prevalence of asthma is high among secondary school pupils of Ilala
than Bagamoyo. Most of the diagnoses of asthma are made outside the hospital,
with non-medical persons. Traditional herbs/practices are still used as one of the
main remedies of asthma. Negative attitudes towards sharing activities with
asthmatic peers are seen more among pupils of Bagamoyo than Ilala.