Examining community participation and involvement through primary health care committees in implementation of malaria control activities in Iringa municipality, Tanzania.

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dc.contributor.author Waibe., Mwita James Mtari
dc.date.accessioned 2013-09-04T09:45:14Z
dc.date.available 2013-09-04T09:45:14Z
dc.date.issued 2010
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1182
dc.description.abstract Background: Community participation is a key concept under pnmary health care programmes and health service delivery in many countries. However, at this stage community participation has been passive and most of the activities have been designed and planned centrally. This has lead to unattainment of Primary Health Care mission of bringing down burden of diseases through informed interventions accepted by communities that remains a big challenge todate. Objectives: The study sought to meet the main objective of assessing community participation through Primary Health Care committees in implementation of malaria control activities in Iringa municipality. Methods and materials: A qualitative research was carried out usmg semi-structured interviews for both in-depth and in focus group discussions. The information was collected through in-depth interview for Council Health Management team at district level. The focus group discussions with members of ward health committees and community. ATLAS.ti version 6.1 computer software was used in data analysis. Results: The majority reported of inadequate community participation m processes of planning and budgeting. Even if involved in those stages many experienced that nothing is being implemented or included into the final plans. There was a report on existence of local Primary health care committees but most are defunct. People are dissatisfied with the current malaria policy intervention which gives priority to under fives and pregnant mothers alone leaving other groups in the society un-addressed. Conclusion: Community participation has not been realized particularly in planning and decision making. Therefore, it remains pertinent for the Government to incorporate indigenous knowledge into various health programs as a tool in strengthening community participation. en_GB
dc.language.iso en en_GB
dc.publisher Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
dc.subject Malaria en_GB
dc.subject Tanzania.
dc.subject Health care
dc.title Examining community participation and involvement through primary health care committees in implementation of malaria control activities in Iringa municipality, Tanzania. en_GB
dc.type Thesis en_GB

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