Tanzania is one of the sub-Saharan African countries that has been affected by the HIV/AIDS
epidemic. However, there is a diverse pattern of trends in HIV prevalence for different
geographical areas in the country. This study explored and compared factors underlying this
differential in Ngerengere and Tawa wards.
To explore and compare HIV drivers between Ngerengere and Tawa wards in Morogoro District,
specifically by comparing the level of HI V knowledge, condom availability, community
attitudes towards condom use, and existing cultural practices exposing community to HIV
infection between these wards.
Qualitative research methods using Focus group discussion and in-depth interview methods were
used for data generation. 70 FGD participants and 21 key informants were recruited purposively.
Participants consisted of male and female aged 15-49 years residing in Ngerengere and Tawa
wards and key Informants were 21 Health workers working in Ngerengere and Tawa health
centres. Interview guide with semi-structured open ended questions were used to explore and
compare HIV drivers in Ngerengere and Tawa wards.
Most of the FGD Participants in Ngerengere and Tawa wards possess comprehensive HIV
knowledge. Low HIV knowledge was found in remote villages in Tawa ward. Condoms were
available in shops and health facility in Ngerengere throughout the year while in Tawa
throughout in health facility but not in shops. Several of the respondents indicated negative
attitudes towards condom use in both wards. Cultural practices contributing to the transmission
of HI V existed in both wards mentioned by all focus group discussions were; polygamy, alcohol
consumption, multiple sexual partners, and male circumcision using non-sterile instruments.
Those mentioned by key informants were multiple sexual partners, heavy alcohol consumption
and polygamous marriages.