Utilization of formal health care services and associated factors in Uganda: a case study of Luweero district

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dc.contributor.author Katana, Milly
dc.date.accessioned 2013-09-10T06:28:51Z
dc.date.available 2013-09-10T06:28:51Z
dc.date.issued 2005
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1245
dc.description.abstract The level of utilization of health care services in Uganda remains very low. The low level negatively affects the quality of life of many Ugandans who remain outside the health care delivery system when ill. This descriptive cross sectional study was carried out to establish the level of utilization of health care services among residents of Luweero district and to determine what factors promote or hinder use of health care services in the formal health care system. The study was also carried out to establish the types of health facilities through which people got care. Consumer attributes, provider practices and social economic factors that influence health care seeking decisions were explored. Findings from this study show that whereas 82.0% (n=373) of the respondents sought some form of care, only 47% (n=176) of the people sought and got it from a health facility. Effectively, only 38.7% of the respondents got care from a health facility. The contribution of the public sector to direct delivery of health care services was 30% while private sector was 70%. These proportions indicate a decline from reported levels in the late 1980s of 56% for the public sector and an increase from 41 % for the private sector. ; The finding that 47% of the people sought care from health facilities and of these only 30% (n=52) went to public facilities means that the public sector effectively provides health care to 11 % of the individuals who fall sick. Presence of a chronic condition (68.7%), perception of health status in comparison to others (51.5%), severity of the illness (50.9%), marital status and level of income were found to influence health care seeking behavior (p-value<0.05). Perceptions about cause of vu disease and knowledge of services available were also found to influence health care seeking behavior. Credibility of health facilities and caring attitude of health care workers (56.8%), and availability of drugs and supplies were found to enhance health care seeking decisions. Lack of financial means and distance en_GB
dc.language.iso en en_GB
dc.publisher Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
dc.subject health care en_GB
dc.subject Uganda en_GB
dc.subject Utilization en_GB
dc.title Utilization of formal health care services and associated factors in Uganda: a case study of Luweero district en_GB
dc.type Thesis en_GB

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