Over the past few years a considerable body of literature has reported an increase in the
incidence of acquired conjunctival growths. A significant relationship to the HIY/AIDS
pandemic has been shown. There is no data representative of Tanzania. This study was
conducted at Muhimbili National Hospital eye departmnet to describe the histological
pattern of acquired conjunctival growths and to correlate it to the my serological
The study design was cross sectional descriptive involving 120 patients obtained over a
period of 8 months (May 2002-December 2002). Collected data were filled in a data
sheet for each patient. Recorded data included demographic information, clinical
description of the growth, histological type of growth and my serological status of the
patient. Data were analyzed using the EPINF06 package designed for population
surveys in cross sectional studies.
The mean age of the study subjects was 35.6 years with a range of 8-80 years. 79.2% of
patients were in the age group 16-45 years. Females accounted for 65% of the study
population. Histologically benign growths accounted for 46.6%, premaligant 9.2% and
malignant growths accounted for 44.2%. The commonest histological diagnosis was
squamous cell carcinoma (32.5%), followed by pterygium (24.2%). Pingueculae and
Kaposis sarcoma each accounted for 10.0% of all growths. 42.5% of patients were my
seropositive. Conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma and Kaposis sarcoma were found
to be significantly associated with my seropositivity (P values <0.01).
In conclusion the present findings suggest that conjunctival