Objective To determine the association between placental malaria
parasitazation and pre-eclampsia/ eclampsia in Muhimbili National
Hospital- Tanzania.
Design Unmatched case control study.
Setting Muhimbili National Hospital ( MNH ) labor ward.
Population Primigravidae with pre-eclampsia / eclampsia as cases and
those without as controls who delivered at MNH.
Methods Peripheral blood smear to detect malaria parasite was done by
taking venous .blood. Pieces of placental tissue were taken and
histological analysis was done to detect the presence of placental
malaria parasites and pigments.
Results The study did not find statistical significant difference between
pre eclampsia/ eclampsia and the control group when malaria parasites
and/ or pigments were analyzed in Hie blood and in the placenta. Overall
there has been a clinical significantly higher prevalence of placental
malaria parasites and pigments in cases than controls but it has not
been proved statistically in this study.
Conclusion Therefore the study has found no association between the
presence of placental malaria parasitization and occurrence of
pre eclampsia/ eclampsia. ,