This dissertation is submitted as part of the requirements for
the award of the degree of master of medicine (m. med) of the
university of dar es salaam.
it consists of three parts the first section consists of ten
gynaecological conditions which are important problems not
only at muhimbili medical centre but other centres as well.
the second part comprises of ten obstetric conditions. the
management of all these twenty conditions was done according
to the standard management protocol. due to limited
facilities in some of these cases further investigations could
not be done in the managment of these patients.
after each presented case there is a commentary about it.
recommendations as to the management of such patients under
ideal conditions and when facilities are limited is discussed.
part three is a research paper on pregnancy induced
hypertension in primigravidae conducted at muhimbili medical
centre maternity clinic. hypertension in pregnancy is the
seeond commonest cause of maternal morbidity and mortality
next to anaemia in developing countries. this is also
supported by figures from muhimbili medical centre. there is
evidence suggesting that aspirin in low doses favourably
influences the course and outcome of pregnancy in
primigravidae with high risk of developing pregnancy induced
hypertension. those at high risk of developing pregnancy
induced hypertension were screened osing the roll over test.
the roll over test proved to be of value in screening
primigravidae who will develop pregnancy induced hypertension,
and that aspirin at low doses had a protective value.