Acute psychiatric symptoms may be associated with a wide
variety of physical illnesses (acute brain syndrome). These symptoms
may arise as a result of direct involvement of the brain as in
meningitis or cerebral malaria, or they may arise as a result of
altered brain function associated with diseases primarily involving
systems otier than the central nervous system, such as lungs and
It is important that doctors recognise those psychiatric
symptoms which may indicate underlying physical disease since failure
to do so may lead to the patient's death.
This study was undertaken to identify the causes, clinical
presentation and prognOSis of the acute brain syndorome in genral medical practice
in Dar es Salaam, since there have been no previous studies on this topic
in Tanzania.
During a six week period from July 13 until August 31 1981,
21 patients were admitted to the medical wards of Muhimbili Medical
Centre with evidence of acute brain syndorome, either before or at
the time of admissiono The mean age of the patients was 2509 years
(range 8 - 48 years). The male: female sex ratio was 1.3&1.
Malria was the disease most commonly associated with acute
psychiatric symptoms in the present study, (14 (66.06%) patients)o Five
(23.8% of the 14 patients had other diseases such as anaemia, uraemia,
hypertension, hepatitis and epilepsy_
In the remaining 7 patients the disease associated with the acute
bralll synd~ome were: chronic renal failure (2 patients), meningitis
(1 patient), meningoencephalitis (1 patient), subdural haematoma
(1 patient), rickettsial disease (1 patient) and anaemia (1 patient).
Fourteen (66.07%) patients had clouded consciousness on admission
and 7 (33.03%) patients were either semiconscious or unconscious by
the time of their admissiono
Of the 14 patients with clouded consciousness 10 (47.6%) had
agitated delirium and 4 (1901%) had quiet delirium. Of the 7 patients
who were semiconscious or unconscious at the time of admission
4 (19f~ had agitated delirium and 3 (14.3%) had quiet delirium during
the recovery phase.
Thought disturbances were observed in 14 (6607%) patients and
speech disturbances in 16 (76.2%) patientso All patients at sometime
during the course of their illness showed evidence of disturbance in
orientation, insight, memory and intelligences
The mean duration of symptoms prior to admission was 3.8 days
(range 1 - 14 days)o The main factor leading to delay in reporting to
hospital was the belief by relatives that the patients problems were
related to supernatural causes. Delay was also related to the
patient1s age, the older the patient the longer the delay in referral.
Duration of stay in hospital was also longer in older patients
and in those who had other diseases apart from those which were
responsible for admission. There was also a relationship between
duration of stay in hospital and the severity of psychiatric
Seventeen (81%) of the 21 patients recovered but 3 patients
required later referral to the Psychiatric Unit.
Four (195/) patients died; one from cerebral malaria, two
from uraemia and one as a result of subdural haema toma, The
diagnosis of subdural haematoma was made at post-mortem. !This
patientts history highlights the need for all medical practitioners
faced with a patient with acute psychiatric symptoms, to make every
effort to exclude underlying physical illness.