dc.description.abstract |
ITNs programme for malaria control is a new intervention in the health sector. It is a
programme that needs a lot or consideration in terms of resources and managerial
capacity.lluman resources. required materials, adequate 'financial support and planning
are necessary for a successful programme.
Dl IM'Ts are still in a transitional phase with no experience in implementation of such a
programme. Hence. they arc likely to face initial hurdles and challenges.
This wus a cross-sectional study and descriptive in nature employing quantitative and
qualitative methods. In total. 21 U mothers in each randomly selected households and 1 Y
programme implementers were interviewed. From these 210 mothers and 1 Y
implementers. information was obtained that was complemented with in-depth group
and individual interviews.
Of the six implementers interviewed at district level, all said that the ITNs and
insecticide supply was irregular. These implementers' view was supported by two out of
Iive of village health workers.
1\11 19 all implementers interviewed at all levels reported that lEe messages about ITNs
and their treatment were conveyed to the community and different message channels
were used such as billboards, posters, stickers, and T-shirts. Others were health
education. meetings and house to house visits.
All the 19 implementers interviewed kept records and 84% of them reported that they
were supervised in the last 3 months.
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Among the 3 villages. the 100\Tst proportion of ITNs use (.58. ()'frJ ) and re-trcuuncnt rate
(18HT) ill the last 3 mouths \Vas Iouud in Fulwc village which is .5 km from a health
facility. The facility is the main source of the items. The pattern was different in the
other villages whose source of items was within their vicinity.
Among the mothers who were the users of ITNs, the age group of 16-35 years had the
lowest re-treatment rate. About 63% of these mothers, their nets were not treated in the
last,) months. This also applied tu the unmarried mothers who had the lowest use of
ITNs and re-treatment rate. About 7 L % of their nets were not treated in the last 3
months. Among the users of ITNs. the 1110thcfS with above primary education level had
the highest use of ITNs and rc-treuunent rate. About 100% re-treatment rate was found
in mothers with college education while the lowest re-treatment rate (33.3%) was found
in mothers with no formal education as well as with incomplete primary education.
The majority of the interviewed participants in both groups and individual interviews
were aware that mosquitoes and poor environmental sanitation was the cause of malaria
and that many people nowadays do use lTNs than in the past before the start of the
programme. Those interviewed were of the opinion that the implementers were
pcrtorming their work well. They also expressed the views that the few who arc not
using lTNs were doing so because of inadequate cash in the families.
The majority of the groups and individuals interviewed suggested that more mobilisation
uf the people is needed to sustain the ITNs and their treatment in the community.
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To a large extent the programme in its initial phase has performed well in creating an
enabling environment For the use of ITNs. The programme is on- going and the potential
for achieving the laid down objectives is high.
There are some areas that require more efforts For improvement hy the implementers,
such as the constant availahility of ITNs and insecticide at all levels and this can he
achieved through review of the delivery system of the programme. There is a need of
more awareness creation to people for the use of ITNs and their treatment. There is a
need to have research for differential prices. The people should be mobilised for
improvement of their poor environmental sanitation around their living areas and also to
conduct advocacy to institutional leaders for improvement of the working places.
The efforts for mobilisation of people to seek medical care early should be continued
and appropriate medical care for malaria patients in health facility should be maintained.
There is a need to adopt Sector Wide Approach in the programme and rnulti-sectoral
collaboration for |
en_GB |