Effectiveness of maternal referral system in a rural setting: a case study from Rufiji district, Tanzania

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dc.contributor.author Pembe, Andrea B
dc.contributor.author Carlstedt, Anders
dc.contributor.author Urassa, David P
dc.contributor.author Lindmark, Gunilla
dc.contributor.author Nyström, Lennarth
dc.contributor.author Darj, Elisabeth
dc.date.accessioned 2014-11-18T08:26:17Z
dc.date.available 2014-11-18T08:26:17Z
dc.date.issued 2010
dc.identifier.citation Pembe, A., Carlstedt, A., Urassa, D., Lindmark, G., Nyström, L., & Darj, E. (2010). Effectiveness of maternal referral system in a rural setting: a case study from Rufiji district, Tanzania. BMC health services research, 10(1), 326. en_GB
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1485
dc.description.abstract Background: The functional referral system is important in backing-up antenatal, labour and delivery, and postnatal services in the primary level of care facilities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the maternal referral system through determining proportion of women reaching the hospitals after referral advice, appropriateness of the referral indications, reasons for non-compliance and to find out if compliance to referrals makes a difference in the perinatal outcome. Methods: A follow-up study was conducted in Rufiji rural district in Tanzania. A total of 1538 women referred from 18 primary level of care facilities during a 13 months period were registered and then identified at hospitals. Those not reaching the hospitals were traced and interviewed. Results: Out of 1538 women referred 70% were referred for demographic risks, 12% for obstetric historical risks, 12% for prenatal complications and 5.5% for natal and immediate postnatal complications. Five or more pregnancies as well as age <20 years were the most common referral indications. The compliance rate was 37% for women referred due to demographic risks and more than 50% among women referred in the other groups. Among women who did not comply with referral advice, almost half of them mentioned financial constraints as the major factor. Lack of compliance with the referral did not significantly increase the risk for a perinatal death. Conclusion: Majority of the maternal referrals were due to demographic risks, where few women complied. To improve compliance to maternal referrals there is need to review the referral indications and strengthen counseling on birth preparedness and complication readiness. en_GB
dc.language.iso en en_GB
dc.publisher Biomedical Central en_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseries BMC health research services;
dc.subject Referral en_GB
dc.subject Maternal en_GB
dc.subject Health system en_GB
dc.subject Tanzania en_GB
dc.title Effectiveness of maternal referral system in a rural setting: a case study from Rufiji district, Tanzania en_GB
dc.type Article en_GB

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