Hypothermia in newborn babies is a problem in tropical countries despite warm
environmental conditions and it contributes to neonatal morbidity and mortality.
This cohort study was done in the Neonatal Care unit, Muhimbili Medical
Centre to determine the prevalence of hypothermia on admission, associated factors
and neonatal outcome in terms of morbidity, weight loss, duration of stay in the
neonatal unit and mortality. The study was conducted from July to October 1996 and
the study population included all neonates admitted to the Neonatal Care Unit during
the said period.
The prevalence of hypothermia on admission was found to be 22.4% and
hypothermia was not recorded or reported to be a reason for admission in any of the
neonates in this study, despite that 13.1% of the hypothermic neonates had severe
hypothermia on admission. There was no low reading thermometer in the unit.
Hypothermia on admission was significantly associated with maternal
intrapartum medications (P = 0.04), delivery by doctor (P = 0.000), delivery at
Muhimbili Medical Centre Obstetrics Theatre (P = 0.000) or delivery in other
hospitals(p = 0.00) , delivery by lower segment Caesarian section (P = 0.000) or by low
cavity vaccum extraction (P = 0.01), low birth weight (P = 0.002), prematurity (P =
0.001), longer duration of transfer from place of delivery to the Neonatal Care Unit (P
= 0.000) and inadequate clothing ofthe baby after delivery (P = 0.000). It was also
found that hypothermic neonates stayed longer in the Neonatal Care Unit than
normothermic ones, they had more postnatal weight loss and increased risk of both
morbidity and mortality.
It is concluded that hypothermia is a problem in the Neonatal Care Unit,
Muhimbili Medical Centre and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
Efforts should be made to raise awareness among health providers with more emphasis
on prevention. Daily use of low reading mercury thermometers is recommended in
order to detect severe forms of hypothermia that require more aggressive management.