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strategies of UNMCP. The survey involved 953 pupils, and 10
FGDs involving 80 pupils. Pupils were from primary seven
class and were aged 12 years and above. It was carried out in
March and April in Kampala district in Uganda in 1995. Self-
administered anonymous closed questionnaire and FGDs
techniques were used. The objectives were to determine
knowledge on malaria, sources of information on malaria and
attitudes towards them, association with socio-demographic
characteristics and malaria self-protection practices among
primary seven pupils in Kampala.
Malaria was among the common health problems in schools. Poor
performance in class work, and absenteeism from school were
some of the effects of malaria mentioned by pupils. Most of
the pupils had misconceptions about the cause of malaria.
Pupils showed high awareness of transmission, signs,
treatments and preventive practices about malaria. Main
sources of information on malaria in school were a teacher
and books. Preferred sources were a teacher and a health
worker. The most preferred channel was a television.
Investigation of the magnitude of malaria among pupils and
its effects is recommended. Workshops on malaria for teachers
and health workers consolidating on the use of books and
radio as media to motivate pupils to practice on malaria
should be organized.
I, Turyabagenyi Charles William Ariho, hereby declare that
the contents of this dissertation are my original work, and
it has never been submitted or is being concurrently
SUbmitted for a similar or higher degree in any other
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