A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kibaha district
of the Coast region in Tanzania, to investigate the
availabili ty of antimalarial drugs in households. This
included the source, proportion of stocking, how they stored
and used for malaria treatment.
Mothers of under-fives were interviewed on how their
under-five children get treated when they have malaria.
Prescribing habits of the drug-sellers from the villages
where household survey was done were also investigated. A
Swahili questionnaire was used for the interview.
A study sample was obtained by a mUltistage sampling
technique. Out of 8 wards 2 were picked randomly Tumbi and
Mlandizi. Five villages were picked randomly as well, three
from Tumbi and two from Mlandizi. In each village a list of
ten cell leaders was made and in total 75 ten cell leaders
were selected randomly and their households included in the
study. A total of 1000 households, which was 5% of all
households in the district according to the 1988 Census
(Bureau of Statistics, 1989 were included in the study. The
interviewees were 1000 heads of households, 515 mothers of
underfives and 249 members who were sick with malaria during
the last month prior to the interview.
The study found that 32.6% of the households do keep
antimalarials and the stocking of drugs among other things
was found to be determined by distance to the nearest health
facility, household size, number of underfives, employment
status, educational status and age of the head of the
Although 91.8% of the interviewees reported their
nearest health facility was publicly owned which provide
either free or cheap medical services, 55% of the
interviewees had not visited those facilities for more than
6 months despite the fact that they reported to have fallen
ill in that period. This is because in most of the time,
pu~lic health facilities have a shortage of drugs.
It was also found that 65.7% of respondents practice
self medication, and the sources of their drugs are 79.7%
from drug-stores, 19.7% ordinary shops, 0.2% from health
personnel and 0.5% from other sources.
For mothers or the caretakers of underfives, 51.8% of
them were found to keep drugs for their children.
Educational status of the mother was the key determinant in
keeping drugs at home, and Chloroquine syrup was the
commonest antimalarial given to underfives.
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Only 18.6% of mothers were found to give their children
the correct dose of chloroquine, the remaining either gave
under-dose or overdose. Some did not know their children
weight or gave inappropriate dose schedule like two or three
times a day. Hence, it was found that management of malaria
in underfives was insufficient and improper.
On expiring dates of drugs, only 17.6% of respondents
knew the expiring dates of the drugs they used. Of those
who did not know about the expiry dates, 80.4% agreed that it
was important to know it. Majority of respondents knew that
expired drugs could either be poisonous or could not cure the
disease. Some of the drugs were found to have been stored
for a long period (up to 6 months).
Majority of drug sellers (78%) had primary education and
51% were below 20 years of age.
About 47.1% of drug-sellers in ordinary shops gave
under-dose to their clients while 25.5% gave only two tablets
of chloroquine, and that was regarded as a sufficient dose.
The client was more likely to get a wrong dose of chloroquine
if he bought it from ordinary shops than from drug stores.
It is recommended that the Ministry of Health should be
strict on regulations governing drug stores and pharmacies
when registering them, and regularly inspect staff who work
in them. Such staff should be qualified at least with a
certificate in pharmaceutics. The Ministry should also
organize a seminar on correct management of malaria with
chloroquine for shopkeepers who sell over the counter drugs.
Through mass media people should be educated on dangers
of self medication and importance of knowing the expiry dates
of the drugs before taking them.
Studies should be initiated by Ministry of health to
look into the proportion of patients who get drugs and those
who get only prescriptions when they visit health facilities.
This will help to show the magnitude of drug shortages in
health facilities. Also there is a need to know if patients
are getting correct information on drugs dosages.