This study was done during June through August t 1983
in Lugoba village of Bagamoyo District and Magomeni Mapipa
area in Kinondoni District of Dar es Salaam. Oi ty. The
main objective of the present study was to determine the
prevalence and patterns of use of contraceptives
methods and their relationships to fertility among
15 to 49 year old women.
A random sample of 324 women from Bagamoyo and
200 women from Dar es Salaam were interviewed using a
questionnaire specially designed for this study.
Results showed that more women in Dar es Salaam used
some kind of contraceptive method, which did not increase
significantly with age. With regard to traditional
contraceptive methods, the percentages of women in
Bagamoyo and Dar es Salaam were almost same, but a
relatively higher percentage of Dar es Salaam women used
modern contraceptive methods as compared to the Bagamoyo
women •
In Dar es Salaam a significantly higher percentage
of women used any method for less than 12 months
co pared to Bagamoyo women, but a slightly higher
percentage of Bagamoyo women continued any method for
48 months or more than the percentage of Dar es Sala
Over 60% of the women in both Dar es Salaam and Bagamoyo were married within four years from the onset
of menarche and of these over 60% had their first
delivery within one year of marriage
Contraceptives methods users in both
Dar es Salaam and Bagamoyo had higher mean number of
pregnancies and live births as compared to the
non-users of contraceptives method •
Women in both the samples knew or about modern
methods than about the traditional contraceptives
Methods the omen's educational level, religion,
employment status, and history of live -births were
significantly associated with use and type of
contraceptive method. The number of surviving children
place of residence and the number of wives the husband
h were not found to e associated with contraceptives
How omen got their contraceptives from the
different sources and their choice or the best time of
the day ere associated for the Dar es Salaam omen; but
not for the Bagamoyo women.
Implications of these findings with regard to the
magnitude of the problem of fertility regulation and it
relationship to the delivery of family planning services
in Tanzania are discussed recommendation for further
studies and other measures have been made.