'IweL ve vat e.r samples; tV!O from each site Here taken monthly
as from February to July at around hichtide, along the Dar es
Salaam coast for c .•. uali ty exam.i.n-rt Lon , All the three indicators used,
total coliform, faecal coliform, and faecal streptococci shoH that
there is pollution at the three sites; the Harbour, Banda Beach
and Selander bridge. The pollution level is much above European
~conomic Cowmunity guide standard. But it is comparable to about
22;~ of Tanzanian inland streams.
Lead ani cadmium vrhe re found to be present in concentrations
much above tile recorrunended 'I'anaan i.a standards; and hence pose health
r-Lslcs ,
Eore studies are recommended inorder to have a better understa-
nd.Lng of the problem of pollution in the area; t.hat could lead to a
better approach in reducing the h82.1 th risks involved.