Introduction: Effective implementation of a policy is a challenging process, understanding why policies work or do not work is important and mostly is the result of, assessment of implementation process and the factors that contribute to policy success or failure; therefore the objective of the study is to explore the implementation of occupational health and safety policy in artisanal and small scale mining in Chunya district.
Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted in Chunya District Council among owners and workers in artisanal and small scale mining also Government officials through in depth interviews and focus group discussion using an interview guide. The participants were purposively selected and a total of 41 people were enrolled in the study. Data was analysed using Thematic analysis framework which include becoming familiar with the data, generating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes and producing the report. Results: This study revealed that occupational health and safety policy is not implemented as expected as artisanal, small scale miners and mining officials are not aware of it. Results also indicated that artisan and small scale miners rely on knowledge passed down from their parents, and use outdated technology. The Government and other stakeholders have not done enough to educate miners especially artisan miners on OHS. Conclusion: Lack of communication between policy makers and implementers has been identified as the reason why stakeholders are not aware of OHS policy, but on the other hand there are ongoing activities trying to achieve the policy objective. Based on the findings, the study recommended that more effort be put into informing and educating all stake holders on Occupational health and safety Policy.