Knowledge, attitude and socio-economic assessment for improved cook stoves, Rombo district, Kilimanjaro region

Show simple item record Dennis, N. 2016-03-10T17:54:05Z 2016-03-10T17:54:05Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation Dennis, (2013) Knowledge, attitude and socio-economic assessment for improved cook stoves, Rombo district, Kilimanjaro region. Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences: Dar es Salaam. en_GB
dc.description.abstract Introduction: Indoor air pollution resulting from cooking, using poorly ventilated stoves is responsible for increased morbidity and premature deaths caused by pulmonary, eye, and cardiovascular diseases; Improvement in stoves and cooking practices may protect health of millions of women and children in developing countries and protect environmental deterioration. However, health benefits of cook stove interventions on community acceptability and use of appropriate stove technologies in exposed populations. Objective This study, intended to assess knowledge, attitude and socio-economic status towards the use of improved cook stoves, among households in Rombo district, Kilimanjaro region. Methodology A cross-sectional study with qualitative and quantitative components was conducted. A total of 276 households using three stone cook stoves, were randomly selected from 11 randomly selected wards. A person with the age of 18 to 49 years old, from each household who agreed to participate was enrolled into the study. A total of 236 households members were interviewed, and other 40, took part in focus group discussions. Quantitative data were processed and then analyzed using SPSS statistic package, version 15.0, while content analysis method was used to manually analyze the qualitative data. Results Nitety three percent of participants (N = 276) took part in the study. Majority of them 157(66.5%) had primary education, with mean monthly income of 275,614 Tsh. Most respondents (64%) had low socioeconomic status (SES). Majority of respondents 224(94.9%) and 154(65.3%) had, positive attitude and high knowledge towards the use of improved cook stoves respectively. Both SES and Knowledge on importance of using improved cook stoves, have significant association (P Fisher’s exact test. = 0.028 and 0.001 respectively) with readiness to purchase and use improved cook stoves. From the qualitative study majority of respondents had high knowledge and positive attitude towards the use of improved cook stoves. They also mentioned challenges encountered when using improved cook stoves.These were the need of dry firewood for improved cook stoves, difficulties in lighting the stove, the fact that, the improved cook stove is immovable and it is difficulties to warm themselves and their house using the improved cook stoves. Conclusion and recommendation Knowledge on the health effect caused by the use of three stone cook stove and household socio-economic position, had effect on the willingness to purchase and use the improved cook stove. Therefore, when planning for any intervention in promoting the use of improved cook stoves, emphasis must be put in, provision of knowledge, about the new innovation and improve the household socioeconomic status, by either providing loans to those with low SES, through existing financial institutions, so that they increase both uptake and sustainable use of the improved cook stoves. Key Words: Knowledge, attitude, socie economic assessment, improved cook stoves, Rombo Tanzania. en_GB
dc.language.iso en en_GB
dc.publisher Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences en_GB
dc.subject Knowledge en_GB
dc.subject Attitude en_GB
dc.subject Socio-economic assessment en_GB
dc.subject Cardiovascular diseases en_GB
dc.subject Indoor air pollution en_GB
dc.subject Poorly ventilated stoves en_GB
dc.subject Tanzania en_GB
dc.title Knowledge, attitude and socio-economic assessment for improved cook stoves, Rombo district, Kilimanjaro region en_GB
dc.type Thesis en_GB

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