dc.description.abstract |
High morbidity and mortality associated with high parity, adolescent pregnancy, and
poor spacing of children are among the most important public health problems in the
world. Use of modern methods of family planning has a positive influence on
women, family life, the community and nation at large.
A cross sectional study was done between 8th June and 4th July 2000 to determine the
extent of use of modern family planning methods and associated factors among
women of reproductive age with at least one living child in Korogwe district, Tanga
region Tanzania.
Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used whereby four hundred randomly
selected women from twenty villages participated in the quantitative study and
fifteen randomly selected women participated in the qualitative part of the study. The
criteria for the selection of respondents were the same for both the quantitative and
qualitative data collection i.e. women of reproductive age and having at least one
living child. For the quantitative method both structured and semi-structured
questions were used in a questionnaire. While for the qualitative data collection in-
depth interviews were conducted. Also observation of availability of lEC material at
the health facilities and village level was done. Check list was used to assess the
availability of modern methods of family planning at ten randomly selected
dispensaries 'and one health center. 1'"
The results revealed that the extent of use of modern methods of family planning was
relatively high as 44.5% of the respondents were using the modern methods of
family planning. It was found that the knowledge of family planning was high among
the respondents (86.5%) and also majority (82.7%) of the respondents had positive
attitude towards modern family planning methods. The high knowledge and positive
attitude on modern methods of family planning were also detected during the in-
depth interviews.
These two factors in association with others factors such as level of education (p =
0.001), discussion of family planning issues with health workers (p = 0.001) were
found to have positive association with the use of modern family planning methods.
Other factors found to have significant association with the use of modern methods
of family planning were, having own source of income (p = 0.0003) and discussion
with spouse or other persons (p = 0.001), believing that spouse is an ideal person for
deciding on the use of modern family planning methods (p = 0.02) were found to
have positive effect on the use of modern family planning methods.
The history of having infant or child death was associated with low use of modern
family planning methods. It was found that only 37.7% of women who have history
of having infant/ death are using the modern methods of family planning compared
to 48.49C of those with no the history of infant or child death.
Women identified the MCH clinic as an ideal place for obtaining modern methods of
family planning. Various reason were given for the choice of this place but among
them, 'VI"e have the dual services offered at the MCH clinic, the quality of services
offered and confidentiality.
- -Feurs of side effects and spousal refusal were mentioned as reason for not using
modern methods of family planning among the women who are currently not using
the methods. Also lad of wide choice of methods might influence the negativity on
the use of modern methods of family planning.
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Only two types of modern methods of family planning (Depo-Provera and pill) are
available at the health cent er and dispensaries and are widely use. Also it was found
that, women relate the male condoms with promiscuity, not as method to be used by
stable couple for family planning. No enough IEC materials at the health facilities
level and almost none at the village level.
It is recommended that the health facility capability in handling family planning
issues should be increased, so that wide varieties of family planning methods are
always available for the couple or women to choose.
Health workers should be trained on the dynamic of family planning counseling and
communication skills so that they will be able to refute the" side effects" claims.
Make available enough IEC materials at all levels.
Involvement of men' in family planning should be a reality, not only promoting
vasectomy and use of condoms. There is a need of promoting conducive environment
by establishing clinics or clubs to offer family planning and reproductive health
counseling for male clients, within the health facility or outside.
The local and central government should look for ways of ensuring that girl are
having at least secondary education.
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