Development of a qualitative near infrared screening method for quality consistency assessment of virgin sunflower oil

Show simple item record Kaale, E. Luyangi, F. Manyanga, V. Mugoyela, V. 2018-12-12T05:38:00Z 2018-12-12T05:38:00Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Luyangi, F., Kaale, E., Manyanga, V. and Mugoyela, V., 2017. Development of a Qualitative near Infrared Screening Method for Quality Consistency Assessment of Virgin Sunflower Oil. Spectral Analysis Review, 5(03), p.25. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 2331-2106
dc.identifier.issn 2331-2092
dc.description.abstract Near infrared spectroscopy offers advantages in the analysis of vegetable oils such as rapidity, relative cost-effectiveness, and usually no need for sample preparation. Virgin Sunflower oils were used as reference standards to develop spectra library for qualitative identification and validation of the method. This model was validated by correct classification method using positive and negative control samples. Various market samples of virgin sunflower oil were purchased and compared with spectra library. The results of spectral analysis of reference library and market samples were correlated using Mahalanobis distance method. Analysis involved 22 market samples. When these samples were matched against calibration samples, 4 samples out of 22 which are about 18.2% were not matched by the reference model. These market samples had Mahalanobis distance values between 4.2 and 6.7, which are greater than maximum permissible value of 3. Some of adulterants mentioned were Korie oil and pumpkin seeds oil. Keywords Mahalanobis Distance, Near Infrared, Mean Center Correction and Virgin Sunflower Oil en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Scirp.Org en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Spectral Analysis Review,;5(03), p.25
dc.subject Near Infrared en_US
dc.subject Mean Center Correction and Virgin Sunflower Oil en_US
dc.subject Mahalanobis Distance en_US
dc.title Development of a qualitative near infrared screening method for quality consistency assessment of virgin sunflower oil en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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