Chest High Resolution Computed Tomography Findings of Interstitial Lung Disease among Adults with Chronic Respiratory Disease at Muhimbili National Hospital

Show simple item record Salingwa, L.E 2021-11-09T12:09:23Z 2021-11-09T12:09:23Z 2020-10
dc.description.abstract Background: High Resolution Computed Tomography has become a valuable tool for the evaluation of patients with interstitial lung disease which affect the lung supporting structures, the interstitium. It is known to be sensitive and specific, thus avoiding the torture of some needle pricks. It has high spatial resolution thus detecting details, aiding in the diagnosis and care of patients. Broad Objective: The study aimed to determine chest high resolution computed tomography findings of interstitial lung disease among adults with chronic respiratory disease at Muhimbili National Hospital. Methodology: This was a hospital based, cross sectional study where medical records and chest computed tomography images of the 162 adults who underwent chest computed tomography due to chronic respiratory disease at Muhimbili National Hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Data was collected using a pre-structured checklist. The information included socio-demographic information, clinical presentations, imaging findings and final interstitial lung diseases diagnosis. Results were analysed by SPSS and summarized using tables and figures. Results: Out of 162 adults with chronic respiratory disease, approximately a quarter 39(24.1 %) were found to have interstitial lung disease. A disease burden significantly predominated among females. The most common symptom was progressive difficult in breathing, 53.8% with majority of patients, 64.1% having all specific imaging patterns for interstitial lung disease. The most common interstitial lung disease diagnosis was non-specific interstitial pneumonia, 43.7%. Conclusion: There is some concordance between chest high resolution computed tomography findings and interstitial lung disease as more than half (64.1%) of patients had all specific patterns of the disease. Recommendation: More studies need to be conducted with long duration and larger catchment areas in order to establish evidence in our settings. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences en_US
dc.subject Chest en_US
dc.subject High Resolution en_US
dc.subject Tomography en_US
dc.subject Interstitial Lung en_US
dc.subject Disease en_US
dc.subject Adults en_US
dc.subject Chronic Respiratory en_US
dc.subject Muhimbili National Hospital en_US
dc.title Chest High Resolution Computed Tomography Findings of Interstitial Lung Disease among Adults with Chronic Respiratory Disease at Muhimbili National Hospital en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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