Background: Cholera is an acute diarrhea infection caused by ingestion of food or water
contaminated with the bacteria Vibrio-Cholera (WHO, 2000). Cholera is a highly
infectious disease and it affects both children and adults. The bacteria affect the transport
of water in the small intestine, and secrete cholera toxin (CT) which causes severe fluid
loss into the digestive track leading to dehydration and ultimately death if untreated (Vicki
Symington).Much has been done by the government of Tanzania in collaboration with
other donor agencies to prevent cholera outbreaks, but little is still known about coping
strategies during and after cholera outbreaks. It is against this background that the
proposed research aimed at assessing Local Government Preparedness and Community
knowledge and Practices to cholera outbreaks so that the impacts of future cholera
outbreaks are minimized. The aim of this study was to assess local government authority’s
preparedness and community knowledge and practices to cholera outbreaks.
Methods: This study combined both qualitative and quantitative data collection
methodologies. The study was conducted at Kinondoni Municipal where a total of 6 key
informants and 402 households were interviewed. The study assessed the local
government authority’s preparedness and community knowledge and practices to cholera
outbreaks. Quantitative data were entered, cleaned, analyzed and summarized in
percentages and numbers per need using SPSS version while the qualitative data was read,
arranged by themes and analyzed by using grounded theory approach. The findings were
used to answer the study objectives.
Results: Overall the Local Government Authorities preparedness and community
knowledge and Practices are inadequate. Regarding the Knowledge about cholera
preparedness and prevention, the multiple data analysis responses indicated that the most
common known causes of Cholera was 152 (38%)‘’Ingesting faces and Vomiting‘’, and
‘Vomiting’’ was 261(65%) the most known symptoms of Cholera. Regarding the Cholera
Treatment, ‘’Medicine given by health workers ‘’ was known by all respondents 402 (100%).Practices regarding cholera preparedness and prevention are still inadequate in
terms of water treatments, hygienic practices, food safety practices, methods to empty the
toilets and sanitations though households found with average knowledge of Cholera.
Conclusion: This study confirmed that the Kinondoni Municipal is not well prepared to
respond quickly to Cholera outbreaks though it has well skilled staff and households have
sufficient knowledge about Cholera and how it can be prevented.