Novel likely pathogenic variant in NR5A1 gene in a Tanzanian child with 46XY DSD, inherited from the mosaic father.

Show simple item record Damji, R. Alimohamed, M.Z. 2025-03-08T10:17:26Z 2025-03-08T10:17:26Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Damji, R., Alimohamed, M.Z. (2023). Novel likely pathogenic variant in NR5A1 gene in a Tanzanian child with 46XY DSD, inherited from the mosaic father. Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Case Reports. en_US
dc.description.abstract Pathogenic variants in the nuclear receptor subfamily 5 group A member 1 gene (NR5A1), which encodes steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1), result in 46,XY and 46,XX differences of sex development (DSD). In 46,XY individuals with a pathogenic variant in the NR5A1 gene a variable phenotype ranging from mild to severe is seen, including adrenal failure, testis dysgenesis, androgen synthesis defects, hypospadias and anorchia with micro phallus and infertility. We report the clinical, endocrinological and genetic characteristics of a patient with 46, XY DSD with a novel likely pathogenic missense variant in the NR5A1 gene. A retrospective evaluation of the medical history, physical examination, limited endocrinological laboratory analysis and genetic analysis with DSD gene panel testing was performed. A 1.5-month-old individual was referred with ambiguous genitalia. The karyotype was 46, XY. The endocrinological analyses were within normal male reference including a normal response of cortisol within an adrenocorticotropic hormone test. A novel heterozygous missense variant c.206G>C p. (Arg69Pro) in the NR5A1 gene was detected. This variant was present in mosaic form (~20%) in his unaffected father. Because another missense variant at the same position and other missense variants involving the same highly conserved codon have been reported, we consider this NR5A1 variant in this 46a, XY DSD patient as likely pathogenic in accordance with the ACMG/AMP 2015 guidelines causing ambiguous genitalia but no adrenal insufficiency. This variant was inherited from the apparently unaffected mosaic father, which might have implications for the recurrence risk in this family. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Diabetes and Metabolism en_US
dc.subject Endocrinology, en_US
dc.title Novel likely pathogenic variant in NR5A1 gene in a Tanzanian child with 46XY DSD, inherited from the mosaic father. en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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