Background: Exclusive breast feeding practices to infants from birth to six months of
age are declining as their age increases despite the associated benefits. Knowledge on
the factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding among HIV positive mothers will create
awareness on feeding practices that are risk to the infant’s health.
Objective: To determine factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding among HIV
positive mothers of infants aged 6-12 months old attending Reproductive and child
Health clinic and care and treatment clinic at Ilala Municipality.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among HIV positive
mothers with infants aged 6-12 months at three health facilities of Ilala Municipality
namely: Amana hospital, Mnazi Mmoja and Buguruni Health Centres. Both quantitative
and qualitative data collection methods were used. A questionnaire was administered to
200 HIV positive mothers to collect information and to characterize infants feeding
practices. In depth Interview guide was used to explore infant feeding practices to five
mothers of the same group.
Results: Exclusive breastfeeding was reported to be 46%. The other feeding practices
reported were: mixed feeding 14% and exclusive replacement feeding 6%. Prelacteal
and early complementary feeding was reported to be 34%. Exclusive breastfeeding
practice was influenced mainly by health workers and mother’s perception that breast
milk is sufficient for infant’s body requirements for the first six months of life. Early
cessation of breastfeeding was reported to be result of mother’s fear of infecting the
child and also infant’s HIV test results being negative after DNA-PCR test. However,
lack of HIV status disclosure, breast problem, family and social pressures were found to
be barriers in practicing exclusive breastfeeding.Conclusion and Recommendations: HIV positive mothers are faced with multiple
challenges as they strive to practice exclusive breastfeeding. Despite nearly half of the
mothers reporting practicing exclusive breastfeeding, the rates are still not satisfactory.
More extensive and comprehensive approach of infant feeding counseling that embrace
all stakeholders, with emphasis to significant others should be put in place in order to
increase exclusive breastfeeding rates.