A descriptive qualitative study was conducted to assess whether Home Based Care services
can be used as a strategy to support Anti-retroviral adherence for People living with
HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Musoma Municipality, Mara region in March 2012. Six public
health facilities that are providing ARVs were included in the study; this included the regional
hospital, two dispensaries and three health centers. With the national ART scale up, the poor
health infrastructures are faced with poor retention of patients into care, as a result maintaining
adherence becomes a problem due to a lack of follow up. The goal of the study was to assess
the use of home based care services as a strategy to support Anti-retroviral treatment
adherence among PLWHA.
A total of five Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted with 30 home based care
providers to find out from them whether the HBC intervention had experienced any changes
since the advent of ARV scale up in the region, and whether their roles had changed in the
delivery of services to PLWHA to include adherence support and management. Key Informant
Interviews were conducted with 13 health care providers including the facility in-charges,
CTC in-charges, hospital pharmacist and HBC Supervisor from the six health facilities that
were included in the study to find out their perceptions towards home based care services and
whether HBC is providing support to the formal health care systems in ensuring clients adhere
to their ART regimen. Whereas in-depth interviews were conducted with 14 PLWHA who are
taking ARTs to find out their perceptions towards home based care services and whether they
support them with ART adherence.
The study findings revealed that HBC services support the formal health care systems with
community care support services such as patient tracking and monitoring clients’ adherence to
ARTs. Health care providers revealed that the success of ART up in the region is faced with
many obstacles including the poor rates of patient retention due to high rates of patients who
miss appointments and those who default on their treatments. They revealed that this obstacle
is being tackled by HBC providers who assist them to do the patient tracking and returning
defaulters back into care, also they provide community supportive services including ART
adherence and patient follow up. PLWHA who were interviewed attributed their goodadherence to the contribution of community support programmes such as HBC. They
acknowledged the regular follow up visits, provision of counseling and monitoring that HBC
providers conducted has helped them to maintain good adherence. This is because HBC has
evolved in response to the roll-out of ARVs, where it has become more medicalised as a result
of the drive to sustain PLWHA on ART to adhere to their treatment regimen.
It was concluded that HBC services are a key attribute that provides can be used to provide
facility-community linkage which will ensure patients receive community care services as well
as facility care and at the same time bridging the gap between formal health services and
community care. Therefore further studies should be done on adherence interventions in order
to develop evidence based strategies that can promote sustained adherence. In order for the
national scale up efforts of ARV to be successful, it is important to assess the component of
adherence as a contributing factor in ensuring the effectiveness or ARVs in achieving the
desired results.