Introduction: Hearing loss is a world health problem with significant physical and psychosocial repercussions. Although there is no cure for certain forms of hearing loss, many patients can be helped, especially when the problem is recognized early. It has been estimated that at least 50 percent of the burden of hearing loss could be prevented by primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures. Aim: To determine the pattern of hearing impairment among patients with hearing loss attending the ORL department at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The study was an analytical cross-sectional hospital based, conducted at MNH, the largest referral hospital in Tanzania which serves the largest number of Tanzanian population. It is also the referral hospital for all patients from Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. The MNH also serves as the teaching hospital for Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences.
Materials and methods: In this study, 187 patients with hearing loss were recruited from ORL department (including the wards and clinic).Information was collected by using data collection forms and was filled by the researcher. Otological examination was done by the researcher, tympanometry and audiometry tests were done by an audiologist to assess hearing disorders. The data was analyzed using the SPSS program.
Results: Out of 187 patients with hearing loss, 51.9% were males and 48.1% were females. The majority of patients (32.6%) were concentrated in the age group of 19-36 years and the age group of 0-18 years (26.2%). Results also show the majority of patients (85%) had bilateral hearing loss and 15% had unilateral hearing loss, where as 8% had hearing loss of right ear and 7% the left ear. The sensorineural type of hearing loss was prevalent in 79.3%, followed by the conductive hearing loss (14.1%) and mixedhearing loss type found in 6.6% of patients. 15.9% had unilateral mild hearing loss, also unilateral moderate severe had 15.9% and only 4.4% had bilateral profound hearing loss. Conclusion: In overall the pattern of hearing loss as seen at MNH, most of the patients have bilateral hearing loss with mild to moderate severity. Sensorineural was the dominating type of hearing loss seen, followed by conductive and mixed