Browsing Nursing - Journals by Author "Duggan, C"

Browsing Nursing - Journals by Author "Duggan, C"

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  • Vesel, L; Spigel, L; Behera, J. N; Bellad, R. M; Das, L; Dhaded, S; Goudar, S.S; Guruprasad, G; Misra, S; Panda, S; Shamanur, L. G; Vernekar, S. S; Hoffman, I. F; Mvalo, T; Phiri, M; Said, F; Kisenge, R; Manji, K; Salim, N; Somji, S; Sudfeld, C. R; Adair, L; Caruso, B A; Duggan, C; Israel-Ballard, K; Lee, A. CC; Martin, S. L; Mansen, K. L; North, K; Young, M; Benotti, E; Delaney, M, M; Fishman, E; Fleming, K; Henrich, N; Miller, K; Subramanian, L; Tuller, D. E; Semrau, K. EA (BMJ Open, 2021)
    Introduction: Ending preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 will not be possible without evidence-based strategies addressing the health and care of low birthweight (LBW, <2.5 kg) infants. The majority of LBW ...


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