Introduction: Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) are major public health problems in several
tropical and subtropical developing countries with poor socio-economic status. In Tanzania
published data suggest that all regions have some level of infection with some areas having
prevalence of up to 100%. Children are found to have the highest prevalence and infection
intensities and are also very vulnerable to the effects of worm infection which includes
nutritional deficiencies which aggravate malnutrition and worsening the rates of anaemia.
Prior to the implementation of any control programme, WHO recommends a baseline survey
in school children to determine the prevalence and intensity of infections as governments need
to target treatment appropriately, based on reliable and up-to-date information on the
geographical distribution of infection . Currently there are no data on the extent of these
problems in Same district. Therefore this study was designed to determine the prevalence and
intensity of STH infections, malnutrition and anaemia among priamary school children in
Same district
Objective: This study aimed at determining the prevalence and intensity of STH infections,
malnutrition and anaemia among primary school children in Same district.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in Same district.
A stratified multistage cluster sampling was applied to obtain 10 schools for the study. A
minimum of 61 children were sampled from each school. A total of 579 school children were
recruited. Stool specimens were obtained from 549 children. Kato-katz technique was used to
determine status and intensity of STH infection. Body weight and height were determined by
using a weighing scale and height pole respectively. Anthropometric measurements were
analyzed using z- scores of height-for-age and BMI-for-age (BMIA) indices. Hemoglobin
levels were determined using HemoCue photometer. Data analysis was done using SPSS
software version13. Ethical clearance was obtained from the MUHAS Ethical Review Board
and permission to conduct the research was obtained from the district authorities.
Results: The overall prevalence of STH was found to be 0.9% (5/549). The prevalence of
light and moderate intensity infections were 0.5% (3/549) and 0.4% (2/549) respectively. Theprevalence of stunting was 42.3% with 11.1% being severely stunted. Prevalence of stunting
was more in male (48.6%) than in female (37.8%) (P=0.015). Pupils in the upland plateau
zone were more stunted than children in the middle plateau zone and lowlands zone with
prevalence of 48.4%, 38.6% and 38.5% respectively (P=0.029). The overall prevalence of
thinness was 11.7%. The prevalence of thinness was highest in the lowlands zone (15.8%)
compared to the middle and upland plateau zone 14.6% and 5.9% respectively (P=0.013). The
mean Hb level was 13.4g/dl [95%CI (13.2g/dl, 13.5g/dl)]. The overall prevalence of anaemia
was 3.1%. There was no difference in the prevalence of anaemia by age-group, sex and
topographical zone.
Conclusion: This study revealed that STHs is not a problem in Same district. The mass
chemotherapy conducted by NSSCP in 2008, and the ongoing provision of antihelminthic
drugs to children under the age of five has achieved to maintain the prevalence of STH in the
district at low levels. However malnutrition has been observed to be a problem in the district
with nearly half of the children being stunted.
Recommendations: With the observed low prevalence of STH in Same district, selective
treatment is recommended as a chemotherapeutic method of controlling STH in the district.
Studies that are going to establish the cause of the observed prevalence of malnutrition are
also recommended.